The Original Afro Grind Bundle

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The Original Afro Grind Bundle features all three of our signature coffee, sourced from the finest African origins.

How does it work?

Never run out of coffee again - pick your delivery frequency that suits you best!

Never run out of coffee again - pick your delivery frequency that suits you best!

1. Select how many bags you'd like per order
This will depend on how much coffee you drink on average!

2. Select how often you want to receive coffee
Whether it is every month, 2 months, or 3 months, choose what works best for you! Contact our team if you want to increase your frequency.

3. Select your bean origin
This selection is personal and our team is happy to help you select the bean type that best suits your taste profile.

Try it

Subscription FAQ

What frequency should I choose?

Consider your coffee consumption to determine the best frequency. We suggest monthly, but it's up to you.

Can you help me choose which coffee to order?

Definitely! Contact us on our contact page, and we'll be more than happy to help you.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

You certainly can cancel your coffee subscription whenever you'd like. Make sure to let us know a week in advance so we can properly document it!

Still have questions?

Contact our team today, and we will be happy to help you with your questions!

Contact us here